Despite featuring the same exterior design that the iPhone X debuted, the iPhone XS is a heavily-upgraded successor. It has a 5.8-inch OLED display that supports HDR10 video playback and wide-color gamut, as well as an improved TrueTone sensor to adjust the color temperature of the display. The A12 Bionic chipset is built on a 7nm manufacturing process and offers unmatched performance and efficiency that aids the battery endurance. You can choose between 64, 256, and 512GB storage versions. The dual-camera at the rear sports a much larger sensor than before and has an improved signal processor that allows you to capture better HDR photos and portrait shots. The Face ID feature has been improved and now works faster. There are dual stereo speakers once more, but they are much louder. The iPhone XS supports IP68 water-resistance as well as wireless charging.
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